Tuesday, July 4, 2017

School wide Unit Plan

Yesterday, during teacher only day, we were given an introduction to the new school wide unit plan.
Part of this introduction was why we were doing it :-

Aim of the Unit Plan

To create a unit plan that is consistent across all departments at Tamaki College

Purpose of the Unit Plan

  • Clarity of information
  • Quality teaching and learning
  • Teaching and learning information is visible and explicit
  • Links all of the Tamaki College initiatives into teaching and learning programs

We focussed on the first part of the plan today with the target being the unit that will be taught in term 4 as part of the Jump Start course for the Year 10 students who are starting NCEA Level 1.
Here is the blank template for the unit plan

The unit I concentrated on completing is AS91069 - Promote an organised body of design work to an audience using visual communication techniques.
This is the first thing we do at NCEA Level 1 and I have planned 8 weeks for this project (it is worth 4 credits so needs approx 40 hours of time, so I have allotted 48 lessons - 50 mins x 48 lessons = 40 hours). We get 4 weeks doing the Jump Start course so this is half the time planned for this standard. This means we get to finish it off when we start back in the new year and 4 credits will go in for the students really early on in Term 1.

Here is the plan that I put together for this standard. The time during Jump Start should take us to the thumbnail sketching, ready to learn some Illustrator and Photoshop skills when they come back in the new year so they can do their design developments.

Section One

Unit Plan Overview

The students will be designing a presentation poster to promote the work of an architect.
Designing a poster
Achievement Objectives:
Level 6 - Outcome Development and Evaluation
Critically analyse their own and other’s outcomes to inform the development of ideas for feasible outcomes.
Undertake ongoing experimentation and functional modelling. Use the information gained to select, justify and develop a final outcome.
Key Competencies:
Thinking - using appropriate research skills and showing understanding of design elements
Using language, symbols and texts - showing understanding of layout techniques to give a visual effect
Managing self - keeping up to date and finishing work on time. Using research to back up and support own work.
Relating to others - giving feedback to others about their design work that is helpful, supportive and meaningful
Participating and contributing - sharing work in the community for others to see and learn from
Level: 1
Class: DVC Level 1 (Year 11)
Timeframe: 8 weeks  (4 weeks of jumpstart)
Standard Number: AS91069
Internal or External: Internal
Credit Value:       4                  ( Lit:  4  )
Standard Title:
Promote an organised body of design work to an audience using visual communication techniques.
Internal/External moderation:

Teaching and Learning - Link to site

Activity Sequence
Learning Intention
(Students will be able to)
Learning Activity
Success Criteria
(Students can/will:)
Activity Timeframe
To be able to choose what style of architect they like the best from a selection.
Students will have looked at the selection of architects and have made a decision which one they will focus on. They will make a post on the Google Plus Community about which architect they have chosen to research.
Week 1
To be able to understand how to use a Google Plus community in a respectful way.
All students will have access to Google Plus and have joined the class community.
Week 1
To be able to use research skills to collect relevant resources online.
Have folder in their drive that is full of images of work by their chosen architect. This folder must be shared publically.
Week 1
To be able to use research skills to collect relevant information online and be able to cite where they got that information from.
The information collection sheet will be full of information about the architect, their life, and some of the more famous buildings that they designed. The links from the websites that were used in this information search are to be included on the sheet.
Week 1 / Week 2
To be able to scan read collected texts and pull out the important pieces of information.
Using the highlighting function on Google Docs, what students decide is the most important information will be highlighted on the information collection sheet.
Week 2
To be able to understand the key design points in the architect's work and what effect they have.
A completed Google Drawing using the template provided, that shows the key design elements of the architects’ work.
Week 2
To be able to show their understanding of their architect in their own words.
A Google Doc with the information typed up that will be used on the final poster design. This will be in the student's’ own words and  will be based on all of their research to date.
Week 2
To understand how design elements have been used on existing poster designs to create a desired effect.
The students will post an example of a film poster in the Google Plus Community and write a brief analysis based on the structure / guidelines given.
Week 3
To be able to use their knowledge of design elements in creating their own layout experiments
The students will use the layout template given and use this to design 3 different layouts. The students will save Image files of these layouts and post them into the class community for the whole class to see.
Week 3
To be able to give useful feedback to others about their design work.
Under each of the layout exercises in the class community, the students will give brief feedback to each other based on one positive comment and one constructive criticism,with reasons why they say what they do.
Week 3
To understand why and how to use thumbnail sketches and the different views that can be used.
Thumbnail exercises
The students will draw a sheet of thumbnail sketches based on what they see around them - this may be in the classroom or outside, depending on the weather.
Week 3
To be able to use their thumbnail sketching skills on their own design work.
The students will produce a sheet or two in the sketchbooks of thumbnail sketches showing the main elements they will include in their poster design - title, image position, placing of information text. They will use simplified versions of these to show where they would go. (lines for text, boxes for images simple text for the title)
Week 3 / Week 4
To be able to use their knowledge of design elements to analyse the layouts they have drawn in their thumbnail sketches.
Notes will be written either into the sketchbooks or typed onto a Google Doc that analyse the thumbnail sketches.
The analysis notes will follow the guidelines  given on the class site.
Week 3 / Week 4
To be able to use their knowledge of layout and design elements to develop ideas that are influenced by the style of their architect.
Students will use their choice of media to produce 3 design developments. They can choose from Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Google Drawing, PicMonkey, Pixlr, Lucid Press .. or any other online design tool that they wish to use.
They will use placeholder text instead of the real written information but will use the real images that they want to use.
These developments do not need to be bigger than A3.
They will save out their design developments as image files and load them onto the class Google Plus Communities for everyone to see.
Photoshop / Illustrator
Week 4 / 5 / 6
To understand design elements and use this knowledge to give meaningful feedback to others about their work.
Under everyone else’s design development in the class community, the students will give feedback for each one. They will state a positive for each design and an idea for what could be improved and and the reasons why.
Photoshop / Illustrator
Week 4 / 5 / 6
To understand the feedback of others and use this and the knowledge of design elements, layout and the style of their chosen architect to analyse their design developments.
The students will write their own analysis of the design developments that they have produced. This will be on a Google Doc.
They will collate together the feedback from the rest of the group and use this to write their own analysis.
Use the support document / sentence starters to help them to do their write up.
Photoshop / Illustrator
Week 4 / 5 / 6
To use design elements, layout skills and the understanding of the style of their chosen architect to produce a final design.
Students will produce their final poster design on media of their choice.
This poster will be the full size required.
It will contain all of the actual images, written information and styling that is needed on the final design.
This poster will be saved out as an image file. (jpg or png)
Photoshop / Illustrator
Week 7
To use this knowledge of design elements, layout and the style of their chosen architect to analyse their final design.
Use the SOLO structured support document to write an evaluation of the final poster design.
Photoshop / Illustrator
Week 7 / 8

Assessment : (Support resources:  Every Teacher's’ Guide to Assessment : NCEA Myths : NZQA Assessment and Moderation)

Prior Knowledge/Prior Assessment
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Any Graphics work that they have completed during Year 9 and 10.
Asstle and PAT scores from Year 10.
All work is shared in the community along the way and is seen and given feedback on by the teacher and the rest of the class.

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